1 min readJan 30, 2022


Can you be famous and impactful?

Can you be impactful without being famous?

Does it make a difference how you think about this. Can being famous by itself be impactful?

Impactful in what way(s) and to what end?

Why was your daughter asking about data and graphs? Your response to her led to the "Are you making the future better question?

Why was she asking?

Her questions contained within your conversation with her were "impactful" to me.

It sort of seems like the question of our times as to what kind of impact each of us wants to make or be. The question gets wrapped up in words like "purpose, meaning, difference, and others".

Is this what the "Great Resignation" is all about?

Your daughter sounds just extraordinary in her thoughtfulness about all this. My limited experience with young people today is with grandkids ranging in ages from 12-19. They too, are all asking and living their version of the question.

My professional work is mostly with those in transition or in their "Third Act" of life. The question of "impact" for them is one that many have deferred in youth and are now encountering as a crisis or urgency as their perception of life time horizon shortens.

If there is any good from Covid one possibility is that it has accelerated, multiplied and or magnified the "living the question" ( Rilke) of impact for us all.

Oh, and yes, the video moved me to tears, too.



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