1 min readSep 3, 2023


Thank you for the article and concept. For me, the "third place" is not just a "physical" space or place. It is more about being open in each moment to the possibility of connection. Is it possible to be lonely and surrounded by others regardless of the space or its recurrence? Is it possible to be constantly moving your location and be incredibly connected to others wherever you are? If we have an "epidemic of loneliness" would or could the antidote be a "third place" by closing the space between us with human communication. One conversation at a time?

Some time ago I stumbled into the derivative of the word "alone" as being "all plus one". Hmmmm....?

Back in the early 1970s Philip Slater wrote in "The Pursuit of Loneliness" about our unbridled chase of "individualism" at the very expense of our human necessity for connection. Can we, each of us, be the "third place" for someone whoever and where ever you are?



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