Thanks for this reminder. A few years back after viewing my TEDx presentation a colleague asked if I wanted feedback. Honestly, I was not looking for or even open to feedback. Before I could respond he provided the unwanted feedback.... "Bruce, you talk with your hands way too much... it is distracting from your message". In response I gestured with my hands.
He appreciated my response by reacting the same way I reacted to his feedback, albeit without the gestures.
My wife was the best I've ever seen at talking with her hands. If there was such a thing as a virtuouso at mannerisms reflecting or amplifying spoken words she was it. In her professional work as a speech pathologist she become a student/instuctor of sign language. She was a joy to watch in that role.
In my own professional role as a lawyer I had the privilege of working with hard of hearing witnessess in courtrooms. Hands down ( so to speak) those witnesses augmenting their testimony with mannersims and hands were among the best evidence witnesses I've ever seen.
I haven't thought about this in several years. Thank you for the reminder.
I'll be on a zoom call in a minute standing and gesturing in order to get my own words out...